“I was so scared but I took a deep breath and grabbed my teammates hand – she pulled me through.”
The Inside Word
Deep dive into the details of Hydrophobia.
How to Conquer
Take the biggest breath you can and dunk under the water. The gap beneath the pipe is smaller and lower than you think so get down as far as you can, find the gap and slip your body through it. The water will be murky so you’re going to have to trust your hands and your teammates.
Obstacle Training Tips
As the name suggests Hydrophobia is all about overcoming fear. You can’t train for that in the gym. However, a good overall fitness is going to improve your lung capacity and ensure you can take a big old gulp of air before diving under the pipe.
Obstacle FAQs
Q: Why do you love combining water and small spaces?
A: Because we know Mudders can overcome their fears.
A: Because we know Mudders can overcome their fears.
Discover the Obstacles