Getting out of bed in the morning can be tough (and not in a good way), but the thought of a nice hot shower makes it easier. Well, what if we told you to ditch hot water for cold instead? You’d probably tell us where to go. But hear us out, find out the many potential benefits of cold showers below –
Wake You Up
Most of us grimace and reach for the snooze button when the alarm goes off in the morning. If only there were an easy way to kickstart yourself to get ready for the day… Enter cold showers. Switching out hot for cold may be pretty grim to start with, as just like our friend Arctic Enema it will cause a shock to your body. But it is that very shock that increases oxygen intake, alertness and heart rate to get you ready for the day ahead.
Increase Circulation
Ok, so we are about to get a bit sciency here, but bear with us. As cold water hits your body and external limbs, it constricts circulation on the surface. This causes blood in your deeper tissues to circulate at a faster rate to help maintain your body temperature. Increased circulation means that you’ll maintain healthy blood and oxygen flow throughout the body, allowing your lungs, heart and muscles to function more efficiently. This also helps you fight off any diseases and sickness, whilst keeping your organs in better working order.
Reduce Muscle Soreness
Every Mudder will have experienced that throbbing soreness in their muscles after they’ve hit the gym hard or given it that extra push during a home workout. A cold shower can sooth that. Cold water has regenerative properties, meaning that when it hits your body your muscles will relax and repair, relieving soreness.
Tough Mudder Top Tip: Mutter a few choice swear words as you step under the icy water to help ease the pain.
Help Improve Hair and Skin
A cold shower is also one of the most natural and cheapest ways to maintain your hair and skin, and give it a little extra glow. This is because cold water tightens your cuticles and pores, which helps your skin retain its healthy natural oils, preventing it from drying out. It also keeps your skin cleaner by making it tougher for dirt to get in. Cold showers can also make hair appear shinier, stronger, and healthier by flattening hair follicles, and increasing their ability to grip the scalp.
Three Pieces of Advice You Need to Face Arctic Enema
Author: Tough MudderNovember 1, 2024
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There aren’t many experiences out there than conjure the same bizarre mix of emotions as the classic Tough Mudder obstacle Arctic Enema. Simultaneously loved for it’s refreshing qualities (on a hot day at least) and the bragging rights it generates, while also hated for it’s breath-stealing, core-shaking ability to turn even the toughest Mudder into a quivering, screaming wreck.
Either way, after an entire year without any icy action we know that Mudder Nation simply can’t wait to be reunited with its best friend/worst enemy. Luckily our friends over at Mike’s Hard Seltzer have got three invaluable pieces of advice for you, so that when you do face Arctic Enema you’ll do so with bravery and grace.
Don’t Overthink It
First up it’s Mike’s flagship piece of life advice which also works pretty well as advice for both signing up for Tough Mudder and tackling most of our obstacles. The worst thing about Arctic Enema for most people is the anticipation. You see it looming over the hill and you know what’s coming, you have to slowly climb the ladder and ease yourself into the mouth of tube – all while thinking, “I can’t do this.”
Well stop right there Mudder. The key is to not think anything. Clear your mind, run towards the obstacle, scale the ladder and drop into that ice-packed water as fast as possible.
Keep Moving
Once you’re in the water most Mudders experience a complete shutdown in mental and bodily function as the shock takes hold. You can’t catch your breath, you certainly can’t feel your legs but there’s several people telling you to keep moving. This is because you need to get it over and done with, one swift movement into the water, under the beam and out the other side.
You can bellyache about it as much as you like once you’re out the other side.
Shake it Off
The third and final piece of advice is easily remembered by channelling the great Taylor Swift herself. As soon as you’re out of the water and on dry land again you need to get moving. Shake off your arms and legs to get the blood pumping and then keep running. The rest of the course is waiting for you. As is the finish line celebrations and an ice cold Mike’s Hard Seltzer – what are you waiting for?
How to Find Joy in the Present
Author: Tough Mudder
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How many of you have heard the phrase ‘it’s all in your head’? We’re guessing a lot. Used in the wrong context it can be extremely dismissive and unhelpful, but in the fourth episode in our #MudderMinds series, Mindset coach and Mudder, Dave Cotterell teaches us that sometimes it can be true.
In a world where we’re all permanently connected through social media and mobile devices, the story we tell ourselves for not getting an instant response has changed. What used to be a simple understanding that the person we contacted may just be busy, has now become an unhealthy obsession and insecurity about what we may have done to make them ignore us.
Dave guides us through this thought process and challenges us to tell ourselves a different story. One that helps us instead of hurting us. So, take pause, analyse the situation and realise that we can’t change the future outcome, but we can change our joy in the present.
Let us know if you have any questions or feedback via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Over the coming weeks, we’ll continue to try and answer your questions and provide tools to help you during these uncertain times.